Sunday August 1, 2021 Announcements

Happy Birthday & Anniversary to all August celebrants. 

Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity in giving to the mission and work of our  church. Those that desire to give today may deposit your tithes and offerings in the  offering box. You can also give to our ministry using our online giving options, Givelify  and EasyTithe. Please remember, we are still giving in the names of our mother  churches, Bells and Redeemer. Thank you for understanding as we work through the  process of legally changing our name. 

Summer Office Hours: The Administrative Offices will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays. Staff will work remotely on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The offices will be closed on Fridays. Should you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor P directly.

Green Thumb Ministry: Do you have an interest in gardening? Join the Green Thumb Ministry on Sunday after worship as we begin to plan our Church Garden. 

ANNUAL NUT DRIVE CONTINUES: The annual nut drive will run throughout the year. This year, purchases can be made online at Any purchases made will be shipped directly to you. 

PRAYER REQUESTS: We invite you to send your prayer requests to [email protected].

JUMC T-Shirt: If you haven’t purchased a Journey t-shirt, and would like to, orders are being accepted again. Each shirt is $15 and can be ordered using this link

– Have you checked out our new website and social media platforms yet? If not, be sure  to visit, and stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram and YouTube.  

– Please check your emails for important church updates.