Covid-19 Re-entry Procedure
Journey UMC is committed to ensure that there is a safe return to in church worship service. All event have been predetermined and scheduled with social distancing in mind. Here are some general rule to remember:
1. Masks are now optional within the building.
2.Please follow all the guiding signs place throughout the building
3.There is one designated entrance and two designated exits points.
4. General Access to certain parts of the building is closed; There is no access to the kitchen, balcony, and basement/downstairs Areas.
Q & A for In-Church Worship
1. What should I wear ?
At Journey Church, you’re free to worship in what is most comfortable to you and honorable to God. Face masks are required at all time while in the building. This. includes in-person worship indoors.
2. Where will Sunday in-person worship be held ?
Journey Church holds in-person worship service on Sunday at our Temple Hills, Campus.
3. Will there be any virtual worship options available ?
Journey Church will provide online worship on the following platforms: Zoom, Facebook Live, Youtube, and the church’s website.
4. How will children be cared for and ministered to during in person worship ?
While we are not ready to relaunch children’s church, we do have a plan to meet the needs of our youngest worshipers at Journey Church. Each Sunday ,Our youngest worshippers will receive a JourneyKit, a in-worship discipleship activity for children.
5.Is preregistration required to attend in-person worship ?
As much as possible, we request that you pre-register to attend in-person worship at Journey Church.
6.Will I be allowed to register for worship onsite If I do not reregister?
On site registration for worship will be offered at Journey.
7. Where will I sit in worship ?
To help maintain social distancing during in person worship, the seating in the sanctuary at the Journey Church has been modified. Your are free to sit an any unmarked seat in the sanctuary at Journey Church. Seats marked “Do Not Sit Here” are not open for seating.
8. What will happen I arrive at in-person worship and have forgotten my mask ?
Masks are optional; If you arrive for in-person worship and have forgotten your mask, one can be provided to you. Your may also purchase a washable Journey Church face mask from the Church Office.
9.If I don’t feel well or am running a fever can I Sill arena in-person worship ?
If you are not feeling well or running a fever, we ask that you join Journey Church for worship using on of our virtual worship options.
11. How will I give to Journey Church during in-person worship ?
While we do not collect offering as apart of worship service at Journey Church, you are invited to deposit your gifts securely in the locked tithes and offerings receptacle in the sanctuary or through one of our online giving portals(Givelify or the church website). Your Financial gifts may also be mailed directly to Journey Church.
12. Can and how will I commune at Journey Church ?
Journey Church, in keeping with United Methodist doctrine, has an open table. By this we mean, the table of the lord is open to all who loves him, who earnestly repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with one another. At Journey Church, you do not have to be a member to partake in the sacrament of Holy Communion. Celebrated each first Sunday of the month, prepackaged elements for communion will be available for worshippers to secure as they enter for worship. We ask you hold them in your seat until your directed to partake in God’s gift.
13. If I have more questions about re-entry at Journey Church, with whom can I talk ?
If you have any questions about re-entry at Journey Church, please contact the Church Office.