Journey Forward Campaign

Pledge Here: “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward…'”  Exodus 14:15 Journey United Methodist Church has been blessed with a wealth of gifts and resources that have richly impacted the ministry we provide. Over the past several years, God has...

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2023 Friday Fish Fry

Join us for our annual Fish Fry. Submit Order Forms Here: Pay Via Pay Pal:.

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The United Methodist Church quadrennial even, YOUTH 23 will be hosted on July 25- 28 in Daytona Beach, Florida. For more information, click here. “The event is filled with interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service opportunities, and fellowship time. Adult leaders who bring youth to our event can expect inspiration,...

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Summer Meals: Summer Food Service Program

Information From The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federal program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) made available to eligible areas and children to ensure that children receive nutritious meals throughout the year. The program merges summer activity programs with a federal meal reimbursement program....

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Good Friday Fish Fry

Join us with Journey’s United Methodist Men for our Annual Fish Fry on April 15 from 3:00PM-6:00PM at the Temple Hills. Campus. This is a pre-order only event. Fish Dinners are $12. Pre-order need to be made by April 10. Good Friday Service will begin at 7:00 PM. Pre-order Here:...

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January’s SHARE food

January’s SHARE food Menu has arrived. To order, please contact the church office via phone or email. 301-894-8622 [email protected]+ Order Turn-InL: 1/10, All Final order changes due 1/17 by 11:45am All payments due: 1/18 Distribution Day: 1/22

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Pastor Parkers Sabbatical Announcement

Our Pastor, the Reverend Michael Parker II, will be on a 3-month renewal leave beginning January 1, 2022. During this time, the Reverend Eva Clark and the Reverend Donald Smedley will be serving the Office of the Pastor. We invite you to keep Pastor Parker, Pastor Clark, and Pastor Smedley...

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Volunteers for Thanksgiving Baskets

2021 Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway The Outreach Ministry is asking for volunteers to assist with our annual Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway. From going to the SHARE warehouse, to packing the baskets, assisting with taking the baskets to our recipients vehicles, etc. All volunteers will be provided a mask, if needed, and gloves. Students, please remember to bring...

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Fall Harvest Festival

Blessings Journey Family, “Join The Capital Market Team and our Community Partners on Sunday October 31st as we celebrate the end of another incredible market season during our Fall Harvest Festival at Creative Suitland. We will have a Trunk or Treat as a safe space for children to wear their...

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